The Tobolowsky Files is a podcast by the SlashFilm folks starring veteran character actor Stephen Tobolowsky. You will remember Tobolowsky as Ned Ryerson (“Bing!”) from Groundhog Day or Bob the Company Man from Heroes
or as Sammy Jankis from Memento
and recently on Glee
as Sandy (wink and nod to Groundhog Day) Ryerson. Most likely, even if you don’t remember him, you’ve seen him. He’s been in the movie and TV business for 25+ years and has worked constantly during that time.
The Tobolowsky Files was born from a DVD called Stephen Tobolowsky’s Birthday Party where Tobolowsky tells stories from his life. They were so hilarious that the SlashFilm folks decided to do a series of podcasts of just stories from the life of Stephen Tobolowsky. So far I’ve only listened to a few episodes, but I’m hooked. When Stephen tells the story of his Halloween in Memphis while filming Great Balls of Fire, I was almost driving off the road from laughing so hard. Tobolowsky is a funny guy who knows how to tell a story. He has digressions and loops in the story that keep you entertained even in the most banal story. Add in the fact that he’s worked with almost everyone and been filming almost everywhere and you get a boatload of stories that will keep you entertained for hours (34 podcasts so far and counting).
I’m looking forward to seeing Stephen Tobolowsky’s Birthday Party, so that I can enjoy even more stories from the life of Stephen Tobolowsky. The Tobolowsky Files is highly recommended.