The other books this week are all literary. Maus is allegorical, Understanding Comics
is educational, Sandman
is literary and Watchmen
is full of literary references. The Dark Knight Returns
is the world’s greatest balls to the wall action comic. From the car race at the beginning to the superhero slugfest everyone wanted to see at the end, it’s an all-out adrenaline rush. Frank Miller’s comics translate better to film (300
, Sin City
) because the visuals Miller uses are more screen like then other comics. So, what happens when the Dark Knight returns?
It’s been 10 years since Batman has been seen. No one knows where he is and many believe he never existed. New gangs such as The Mutants have taken over Gotham and the mayor is considering who to pick to replace outgoing police commissioner James Gordon. There’s a never-ending heat wave in Gotham and it seems like the world is going to end. Then a mother of all rainstorms comes to end the heat wave and a mysterious vigilante is cutting a wide swatch through the Gotham underworld.
Frank Miller has brought together all the elements of a Batman story. Two-Face, Joker and Robin are featured prominently. But everything is different, the new commissioner is trying to arrest Batman, Robin is a young, female computer genius and Superman is the only superhero left active (and the government wants to keep it that way). The story never lets up and Frank Miller knows how to push the tension. He slowly shows Batman in flashes and glimpses until it’s time to bring him out in a full page spread.
The other thing Frank Miller does is have talking heads popping up discussing Batman and his affect on society. There are psychiatrists who are worried about Batman’s affect on people. There are supporters who appreciate Batman standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. Miller doesn’t chose sides in the debate, he lets both sides have their say and provides evidence that would support their views.
For a pure, action-filled cinematic adventure, you can’t beat The Dark Knight Returns. Frank Miller has taken the familiar Batman characters and presented a new story, one that provides a capstone to the Dark Knight’s career. The book is arguably the best straight-forward super hero story ever written. It’s an amazing story and has wonderful art. Highly Recommended.