Is anyone else watching James Ellroy’s LA: City of Demons? Or a better question might be, why am I still watching this? The subject matter is wonderful with great clips and photos about the crime from the time. They bring out interviews with people who were involved and generally do a wonderful job covering the topics. Then what’s the problem?
In short the problem is James Ellroy. Now, I love James Ellroy’s books. I’ve read all his books from Black Dahlia on, including his two autobiographical books (My Dark Places and Hilliker Curse), and I think L.A. Confidential is the finest noir book since noir was created. But in this series, James Ellroy is a poor host. He speaks as if he’s reading off a cue card. I can handle the bombastic speech that is his writing trademark, but, it drives me nuts and makes me want to hit mute.
Then there is the dog.
For some unknown reason, Ellroy hangs out driving in car with a poorly animated talking dog. And I’m talking blocky, 1980’s level animation for the pooch. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the dog was from Dire Straights Money For Nothing video.
In short, I love the show, but am having a hard time watching it.