Timur Bekmambetov is probably the most well known Russian director working today. He’s made several successful Russian movies and even a big budget Hollywood movie (Wanted) that was a lot of fun despite the horrible screenplay. But his first blockbuster film was Night Watch
. Based on the popular book
of the same name, Night Watch was a huge hit in Russia and was released world wide (with a limited release in the US). After it came out on DVD, the cult status of the movie grew and Bekmambetov has become a hot director world wide. So, who are the Night Watch?
Centuries ago, the extra-normal humans known as The Others were split into two groups, Light and Dark. The two groups fought often, but they were so evenly matched, that neither side could prevail. So, it was decided that there would be a truce. The forces of Light would create a Night Watch to keep the Dark in check and the forces of Dark would create a Day Watch to keep the Light in check. This balance would be maintained until the legendary Great One arrived to tip the balance one way or the other.
Fast forward several centuries, we then meet Anton who is trying to get his ex-wife back. Working with a witch, he is surprised when members of the Night Watch arrive to restrain her. They are surprised that he can see them and so Anton is discovered to be an Other and recruited into Night Watch. Years later, Anton and his friends are on the trail of a vampire boy named Yegor. The Night Watch is trying to save Yegor from the Dark side and Anton wants to help, but his past might come back to endanger the world (in a wonderful bit of twist endings).
The story is decent, but not spectacular, but the visuals are amazing. Bekmambetov gets great performances out the actors and his visual style really makes the movie. Even when some plot holes come up, Bekmambetov is able to keep the story propelled forward and brings the viewer on a great action ride along. I’d love Bekmambetov to get a great Hollywood script for him to direct, so that his talent can be showcased to a larger audience. Wanted was his first chance and he’s currently filming his second Hollywood movie (the movie version of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter). But, in the meantime, go see Night Watch and enjoy.
I’ve read all 4 Watch books and they’re pretty fun. It’s interesting to read stories set in Moscow. There’s something, and I can’t put my finger on it, different about the prose and setting than if it was set in, say, Chicago.
Now that I’ve seen the movie, I’ll probably watch the sequel and then try to read the books.