After I finished reading (and somewhat enjoyed) The City & The City (my review), I thought I’d try another China Miéville book. So I picked Embassytown
. I pretty much gave up after 100 pages. I had no idea what was going on and I didn’t really care. I know China Miéville is not to everyone’s taste, but he’s rapidly becoming an author that I’m not willing to attempt anymore. It’s just so far out of my wheelhouse that I don’t want to spend my time reading it. I have other books that I will have a better chance of enjoying.
Category Archives: China Miéville
The City & The City by China Mieville
I’ve mentioned in the past that I’m not a huge China Mieville fan. I’ve tried to read numerous books of his, but have never finished. But since it looked so good and I’m a sucker for a science fiction detective story, I decided to give The City & The City another chance. I’m glad I tried it again since I finished it this time, and, while I liked it, I’m still not a huge Mieville fan. I thought it was good, but not great. So, let’s see what’s up with the dueling cities.
Authors I Have Trouble Reading
It’s not you, it’s me. There are some authors that I just can’t read. It’s not that their books are bad (they are award winning authors which is why I keep trying to read them), but I just can’t get into them. They leave me cold and disinterested and I just can’t bring myself to read their books any more. I know other people who love their writing, so I know it’s not them it’s me.