While many people have strong opinions on Jim Shooter, David Lapham owes his career to him. Shooter burned bridges almost everywhere he went, but he always had an eye for talent. After he blazed his way out at Marvel, he resurfaced a few years later and led Valiant to a number of high profile series including Harbinger
, Solar
, XO Manowar
and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
(which later became a popular video game). Along with some industry veterans, Shooter discovered some promising new artists including David Lapham, who did the art on the popular Harbinger series. When Shooter was forced out at Valiant, he went on to help found Defiant comics and Lapham followed him over and helped him create Warriors of Plasm
. Unfortunately a legal fight with Marvel comics and a dropoff in sales over the entire comic book business killed Defiant.
Lapham, sick of the getting shafted by companies left and right, decided to self-publish and came out with Stray Bullets
. The initial storyline (named Innocence of Nihilism) was published to rave reviews, not only for the art, but also for the wonderful storytelling. The story follows a cast of losers and small time hoods and does an amazing job capturing the characters and the atmosphere. So, what is Stray Bullets?
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