I can’t believe that I’ve never reviewed any of the Powers comcis by Brian Micheal Bendis and Michael Oeming. The series is set in a super hero city where the main characters are non-super hero police officers who are involved with investigating super hero related homicides. The basic concept (cops in a super hero universe) sounds similar to Alan Moore and Gene Ha’s Top Ten, but in execution it’s much different. The first storyline, which introduces the series, is the amazing Who Killed Retro Girl? Bendis was mainly known for his gritty urban crime series prior to Powers, and he transitioned that style into a super hero story without losing a beat. So, let’s see what happens.
Category Archives: Michael Oeming
Takio by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Oeming
I hadn’t heard about Takio before I saw it in the library. But when I saw that it was from the creators of Powers
(Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Oeming) based off an idea by Bendis’ oldest daughter Olivia, I knew I had to read it. It’s an all-ages superhero comic only with a story that features mostly girls. It’s a great idea for an under served market. So let’s go meet the heroes.